On February 3, 2024, we embarked on yet another impactful cleanup initiative in the heart of Chinatown, with our ongoing collaboration with the Chinese Community Policing Centre.
Building on the success of our previous event, we had a much larger turnout with 20 dedicated volunteers who joined us. From high school heroes to our esteemed seniors, our volunteers are determined to do good in the world. With 1.5 hours of dedicated clean-up time, we transformed Andy Livingstone Park, ensuring a safer community for its residents.
Clean up stats:
total clean up time: 1.5 hours
20 volunteers
Collected 12 small Neighbourhood Clean Up bags
After the cleanup, we gathered at New Town Bakery to celebrate the joys of volunteering. Every small action makes a difference!
We invite you to join us in making a difference. Sign up for our upcoming volunteer ambassador events and become part of the positive change at www.captainscott.ca/volunteer-ambassadors. Together, we can continue to impact communities through the power of volunteering.